Who we are

Meet The Pro TeaM - Sales CRM

Pro Team Sales CRM is an advanced lead management system designed to streamline the process of tracking and analysing sales leads. Companies can track leads from various sources, individually until they reach the final call. The cutting-edge technology enables businesses analyse sales efficiency and train their sales team accordingly for better results. The need for manual data collection and reliance on employee trustworthiness can be considerable minimalised. And companies can analyse the strengths and weaknesses of their salesforce, ensuring quality check calls and avoiding missed follow-up days. By adopting the best technology, businesses can benefit from improved lead management and overall business success.

Why Pro TeaM

Pro TeaM CRM - the better solution for better sales

Organize Leads

The leads you gather from different sources can be channelized to different teams on the basis of their origin and without lead duplication issues.

Lead Optimization

This feature enhances service quality by showing customer timelines per salesperson, records customer calls, and sets reminders for follow-ups.

Enhanced Salesforce

With advanced tracking, get all sales and marketing performance you need, including individual performance, in a few clicks.

Task Assignments

Your customer data can be assigned to individual sales persons as tasks. And the sales work can be optimized to suite your business model.

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