
The best lead management system. Connect leads seamlessly to the sales team.

Effective Oversight of AD Accounts

Oversee the AD accounts from a single console. Login with any Social media business account, and feel the performance already.

Realtime Data Fetching

Don’t worry about the mounting of the lead. Get the leads promptly into CRM lead management with Pro Connect.

Pre-Assign the leads

Deal with no delays in assigning leads to sales team. Just enter the target user and the rest is done by pro connect.

Track Lead Status

Track the status of your lead with the premium Pro-connect App. Never miss another hot lead.

Manage Social Media Expense

See the spending on each social media marketing campaign. Say goodbye to unwanted marketing expenses.

Access Campaign Efficiency Report

Access the reports on the performance of various social media marketing campaigns.


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Phasellus lobortis justo a magna facilisis, in commodo tellus rutrum. Sed vitae condimentum nulla.

Cross Platform

Phasellus lobortis justo a magna facilisis, in commodo tellus rutrum. Sed vitae condimentum nulla.


Phasellus lobortis justo a magna facilisis, in commodo tellus rutrum. Sed vitae condimentum nulla.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We leave no space for confusions it’s simple to learn and easy to use.

What is lead management ?

Lead management is a systematic process that every client-based business follows to attain more efficiency in sales and marketing.

Why is lead management important for businesses ?

The process helps businesses to enhance their customers’ experience, tracking sales team and effectively oversee the marketing campaigns.

How does lead management software work ?

Lead management software enables businesses to fetch the leads of potential clients, typically through various marketing efforts or programs. Also, they optimize the leads for the purpose of sales.

What features does your lead management software offer ?

Fetches data from various marketing channels, segregate it according to the origin of each lead and deliver it to the target employee. Also, the system stores and maintains the data of the lead journey.

Ut vestibulum euismod aliquet. Quisque nec malesuada nibh ?

Suspendisse fermentum placerat enim, at pellentesque augue. Nullam elit est, ultricies et tellus ac, euismod placerat orci. Donec commodo dapibus congue.

Is your lead management software customizable to fit our specific business needs ?

Pro Connect is highly customizable and can easily integrated with any existing CRM systems easily.